Create your own Grafana in openshift 4.3 (2) using Storage

2 min readApr 8, 2020

This “your own gragana” deploy is using storage and environment variable for stable environment.

I prefer this.

1.Create application

2. create storage using pvc configuration file

$vi pvc-grafana.yml // volumeName is pv0022 and pvc name is pvc-grafana

content of pvc-grafana.yml

$oc create -f pvc-grafana.yml

output of oc create pvc

$oc get pvc/grafana

output of oc get pvc/grafana

3. Configure pvc volume in pod

add volumeMount and volume in grafana pod deployment desriptor

$oc edit dc/grafana

adding volumes and volumeMounts in pod

$oc get dc/grafana -o yml > grafana-dc.yml

Final deployment descriptor content

4. Browsing service route

$oc get route/grafana

see output from browser and find the stored graph or data


